Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Where's the Love?

As you know, for the past few weeks, we have been discussing the importance of fellowship in the Body of Christ. You've weighed in by giving me your comments on fellowship and what you think it means. I want to find out more.
What do you think love has to do with the value of fellowship. Can you have true fellowship without having love? Where does love fit in with fellowship? And perhaps the most important question...What is love?
Last Sunday, as we were discussing being connected to one another as a body of believers, we began to touch on this subject of love. No, not the love that you throw around at people so that you can be on their good side, the true love that distinguishes you as a disciple of Christ (1 John 4:12; John 15:8). During our discourse, we began to unravel this complicated 4-letter word and it opened the door to the questions listed above.
This opened my eyes to a great problem within the Church and world...if we do not know what true love is, we can never be in fellowship with each other. So I thought it appropriate to find out what you think love is, and where is the love that should be present in the world today. So please give me your comments. Don't be shy either! Let's get to the bottom of this problem so that more of us can begin to experience the love that Christ commands us to give.

Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth.
~1 John 3:18

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Do Something!

Do you see problems in the world and community around you and get frustrated by what is going on? Many of the the things that bother you may not even cross someone else' mind. The reason it concerns you more than others is because you may hold the antidote to that world or community ailment.

I believe that for every problem, there is a solution. And most of the time, we know what those solutions are, especially for our own problems. They just aren't always comfortable to implement. For instance, we know that if we have a financial problem, we may need to be more disciplined. In relationships, we may need to be more compassionate. And if we have a problem at work, we may need to leave! :-)

Well this week I want to urge you to do something. Do something that will push you in the direction of reaching the solution to your problem. It doesn’t matter how big that something is; what matters is that you do it! Then once you do something toward reaching your desired outcome, do something else.

This is the key to accomplishment…commitment and consistency. Once you have decided to go forward (commitment), do it all the time (consistency). Before you know it, you’ll be at your destination. Your financial problems will be solved, your relationship issues will be gone, and you’ll have made peace with work!

What good is it, my brothers, if a man claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save him?

Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by what I do.
~James 2:14, 18

What is it that you know you need to do? What have you been putting off, that if done, would put you on track to reach your goals? I'd love to hear your comments...

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

What is Fellowship?

Being a part of the family of God means that you must share in fellowship with one another. After all, we are a body of believers and a body would not function properly if all of its parts were not working together. The disappointing realization is that we as Christians do not experience true fellowship often enough. Part of the problem is due to the fact that we do not know what fellowship really means. Despite popular opinion, fellowship is not merely meeting for Sunday morning worship, or sharing a meal in the Fellowship Hall. True fellowship is much, much more!

What do you think true fellowship means? I decided to find out by asking people out and about on the streets of Burbank. Take a look at their response...

What does it mean to you? Have you ever really experienced true fellowship? The bible says that the first church was 'one in heart and mind'. Do you feel that way about the church you belong to? Is it a place where you feel free to share all of your possessions, your thoughts, your feelings?

I'd like to hear from each of you. Please comment by posting your response to the questions above. We at Chosen Ministries are striving to be an Acts 4:32 church and we're on a quest to find other parts of the body to share in that experience. It's not until we realize that we cannot function as God intended us to function without being in true fellowship, only then we will finally experience the joy, peace, and stability this Christian life has to offer.
Speaking the truth in love, we will in all things grow up into him who is the Head, that is, Christ. From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.
~Ephesians 4:15-16

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Love or Lies?

With Valentine's day just around the corner, there's no doubt that you are being inundated with commercials tempting you to buy flowers, chocolates, and gifts for your significant other. You may also be getting hints from them letting you know what that 'special something' is, that will affirm your undying love for them. Oh, is in the air! Or is it?

Many believers do not place enough emphasis on showing love to other believers. The Bible is clear in stating that we are to 'love one another'. However, our love is more often relegated to self love instead of one another love. This is evidenced by how we as Christians would rather worry about our own life and success than expend the energy to look after someone else's needs.

This is the exact opposite of how the family of God should act. In the first church, we are told that they were 'one in heart and mind'. They cared about each other's needs. The bible even goes so far as to say that 'no one claimed that any of his possessions was his own, they shared everything they had (Acts 4:32)'. Now that's love! That scripture illustrates the fact that we can do much more together than we could ever do apart.

I had an opportunity to see an outpouring of love this past Sunday at church. It was such a privilege to see a community of believers pledge themselves to be involved in each other's lives. By making that vow, we expressed that we truly care for one another's needs. I urge you to do the same. Get involved with a local church and make a sincere connection with other believers. When you do, you'll find love greater than any flower, chocolate, or gift could ever buy.

"If we say we love God and don't love each other, we are liars."
~1 John 4:20 (CEV)