As you know, for the past few weeks, we have been discussing the importance of fellowship in the Body of Christ. You've weighed in by giving me your comments on fellowship and what you think it means. I want to find out more.
What do you think love has to do with the value of fellowship. Can you have true fellowship without having love? Where does love fit in with fellowship? And perhaps the most important question...What is love?
Last Sunday, as we were discussing being connected to one another as a body of believers, we began to touch on this subject of love. No, not the love that you throw around at people so that you can be on their good side, the true love that distinguishes you as a disciple of Christ (1 John 4:12; John 15:8). During our discourse, we began to unravel this complicated 4-letter word and it opened the door to the questions listed above.
This opened my eyes to a great problem within the Church and world...if we do not know what true love is, we can never be in fellowship with each other. So I thought it appropriate to find out what you think love is, and where is the love that should be present in the world today. So please give me your comments. Don't be shy either! Let's get to the bottom of this problem so that more of us can begin to experience the love that Christ commands us to give.
Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth.
~1 John 3:18