Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Don't Get Weary

We're coming to the final weeks in our Purpose Driven Life study, so I would like to use this time to encourage you, "Don't give up...and don't get weary!" Let's remember that as we sow this time into learning about our purpose, it will result in our receiving a reward of a lifetime of meaning, significance, and effectiveness.

I want to also take this time to thank you all for participating in our small groups and our discussion boards. We received several testimonies and breakthroughs from those valuable fellowship tools. Let's keep up the good work!

Please use this time to go back and comment on some of the many discussion questions listed on our group discussion board. Also feel free to post some of the questions you may have come across as you studied the Purpose Driven Life. And finally, tell us what you've learned by going through this process.

Until next week...
"Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up."
~Galatians 6:9 (NIV)

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

It's About Time

My daughters are going through a campaign at school called "No TV Week". During this time, they are to find activities other than watching television in which to engage. They are also encouraged to have their parents participate as well. So, Shaun and I, being the terrific parents that we are, decided to oblige.

Tonight, we had a great time bonding with each other. We started by playing the board game "Sorry". It wasn't that great though (because I didn't win). Afterward, we ate dinner and enjoyed a terrific conversation which entailed plans for when the girls went off to college and eventually got married. It was a very entertaining evening. Once it was time for bed, my youngest daughter said, "We don't ever get to talk like this". Those words really hit home with me.

Are we just going through the motions in life? Do we just do things each day without really taking the time to enjoy the relationships we should be developing? How about our relationship with God? Is He thinking everyday, "We don't ever get to talk like this"?

Time is the most valuable asset we have because you only get a certain amount of it while you are here on this earth. And once it is spent, you will never get it back. Are you spending your most valuable asset on things that do not matter? Let's take the time to invest our time in things that are lasting and significant. Don't allow yourself to come to the end of your life and regret what you've spent your life on. Remember, it's the simple things like board games and conversations that truly make an impact in the lives of others.

Until next week...
"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven"
~Ecclesiastes 3:1 (NIV)
"So then, we must always aim at those things that bring peace and that help strengthen one another."
~Romans 14:19 (GN)

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Spiritual Check-Up

Today, I went to the doctor for my annual physical. While you like to think everything is fine, there's always something that needs a little improvement. I was told some things that I already knew I needed to do, like get more sleep, watch what I eat and exercise. These precautions were given because even though I was doing and feeling well, if I didn't take care of myself in the ways mentioned above, eventually I would feel the effects of neglecting to do those things.

The same is the case when it comes to our spiritual health. How often do we perform a spiritual check-up? Most, if not all, of us are lacking some very important (maybe even life threatening) spiritual maintenance. How many of you are watching what you eat spiritually? What do you let get inside of you from the negative influences of this world? Do you take the time to feed on God's Word? If you're not careful, you'll find yourself overweight on lust, greed, pride, and envy.

How about your spiritual exercise regiment? Are you putting what you learn from God's Word into practice? If not, you'll notice your strength begin to weaken. You'll not have what it takes to resist the temptation thrown at you on a day to day basis. Your endurance levels will be so low that you'll not be able to have patience and grace with your family and your co-workers.

It's important to take the time to meditate and exercise on God's Word. Make sure you are going to church for your spiritual check-ups. Keep yourself in environments that will support your healthy eating habits, and take the time to rest in His arms so you can feel the peace, comfort, and joy the He wants to provide for you. When you ensure these prescriptions are taken, you'll live a Christian life of vitality and radiance that others will want to emulate, and you'll be sure to pass every test that comes your way.

Until next week...

Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves. Do you not realize that Christ Jesus is in you—unless, of course, you fail the test?
~2 Corinthians 13:5

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Fellowship Follow-up

We are well into our third week of The Purpose Driven Life. And this week we are learning our second purpose in Christ, which is fellowship. Prior to starting the PDL, God had us studying on fellowship. So instead of recapping, I believe it is more appropriate for me to follow-up on what we have learned and find out what you have been doing to foster Christian fellowship.

As described in the book, we are created by God to belong to a local church family. It's through our relationship with Christ's church that we find our purpose and are given the opportunity to cultivate our gifts and talents. If you are not a part of a local church family, I strongly encourage you to connect with one. No church will be absolutely 'perfect' for you, since we are all imperfect people. However, you should find a place where you can receive God's Word, and grow into maturity by serving your fellow brothers and sisters.

We are told in the book of John that we show ourselves to be Christ's disciples by our love for one another. Pastor Warren points out in his book that the bible uses the phrase 'one another' over 50 times in the New Testament. That means there are a lot of commands we would not be able to follow if we didn't belong to a church family.

What are some of the ways you have forged lasting fellowships? Maybe you've connected with a small group, or you have committed yourself to a new church. Whatever it is, we would love to know. I find it a blessing connecting with all of you via this email, our online blog, and our group discussions each week. And I truly believe that it is building fellowship as we all get to know each other and discuss how to better serve Christ and His family.

Until next week...
So in Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.
~Romans 12:5 (NIV)

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

True Worship

I would like to first thank all of you who are participating in our online group discussions and our in-home small groups. I have received nothing but great feedback from everyone on how beneficial it has been to all involved. Let's keep up the fellowship.

This week, we have started on our first purpose, which is WORSHIP. If you're following along in The Purpose Driven Life book, you'll recall that worship is an act of surrendering to God. Unfortunately, too many of us are hesitant to really 'let go, and let God!' Although that is a pretty familiar cliche, it's difficult to put it into practice. We can start by being honest with ourselves about what we are keeping from Him.

Jesus had an encounter with a Samaritan woman in the bible who was unwilling to be truthful with Him about her living arrangements (we often forget that God already knows everything there is to know about us). So Jesus began to reveal her life and secrets to her, showing her that He indeed is the Son of God. This caused her to 'let go' of everything she was holding on to. She literally dropped what she was doing and began to tell everyone about her encounter with the Messiah!

What are you holding on to? God wants us to surrender everything to Him...that is True Worship! When we are willing to give Him our whole lives, He will transform us into world changers and our lives will have significance and meaning. Now that's living with Purpose! Why don't you take the time to have a true encounter with Christ. Drop what you're doing that's keeping you from spending time with Him. Stop allowing the things of this world to keep you away from the God of life! Open your heart to Him and start living your life on purpose. Like the Samaritan woman, your life will never be the same.

Until next week...
The time is coming when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, and that time is here already. You see, the Father too is actively seeking such people to worship him.
~John 4:23 (NCV)