Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Ready... Aim... Fire!

What are you shooting for in life? A big family, a great career, a new house? Many of us are striving to attain great goals in life, but few of us have actually taken the time to chart a path that will lead us to these goals. According to statistics, the US personal savings rate is a negative one percent of our disposable income. Many people have no idea how they will fund their education, retirement, or home ownership...even emergencies! So what does this mean? It means that we have skipped the main factors that will ensure we succeed at accomplishing what we set out to fulfill. In essence, we're just firing in the wind!

Many of us are living our lives in a way that is similar to a drive-by shooting. I hate to be graphic, but our lives end up resembling that of a crime scene because we have hit everything...except for what we were trying to hit. This is due to the lack of 'ready-ing' yourself and taking aim with your life. Instead of the big house that we dreamed of having, we're living in a one-bedroom apartment in the rough side of town. And that career that we so passionately longed for, has been traded in for a part-time job at the local department store. What about the Prince-Charming or the Sleeping Beauty that you knew you would marry?

But, just because we may not have some of the things we thought we would have by now, doesn't mean we have to give up on our dreams. Instead, we need to take a step back and ready ourselves. In other words, PREPARE for what you want your future to hold. Then take aim at your dreams. This means we must list out our goals and develop a plan to accomplish them. Then...FIRE! Take action toward obtaining your goals. Anything we set our mind and heart on can be accomplished. So get Ready... Aim... and Fire!

"Now then, you and all these people, get ready to cross the Jordan River into the land I am about to give to them"

~Joshua 1:2 (NIV)