Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Under Construction...

We're preparing to launch an all new Chosen Ministries, complete with a new website, logo, commercial, location, and image. In order to ensure the launch is presented in the best possible way, I will be discontinuing my email for the next few weeks. Please tune in the last week of June for our first official peek at the new digs. I can't wait to show you what we've been working on...

In the meantime, take the opportunity to allow God to reconstruct some of the things in your own life. Many of you may ask how that is accomplished. Well, it can happen in one of two ways. You can voluntarily begin the much needed renovations of your life, or you can be sent through the extreme makeover called 'trials and afflictions'.

If you have found yourself going through afflictions, just remember that they are only temporary. Once you have endured the pain, you'll realize that you can come out much better on the other side if you have the right attitude going through. Understand that it is not there to destroy you, but simply to mold you into the person who God wants you to be. Like gold that is purified and refined through the fire, we are built up and reconstructed as we endure our momentary afflictions.

So don't give up, press on! Don't give in, reach out! Don't fall short, endure...and once the construction is over, you will experience the glory that awaits you on the other side.

"For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all."
~2 Corinthians 4:17 (NIV)

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


This Sunday, I have the privilege of taking our ministry to Six Flags Magic Mountain to celebrate all of the wonderful milestones mentioned in last week's email. I'm looking forward to this time that I get to share with my church family. Seldom, do we take enough opportunities to have fun with each other in the Body of Christ. That is why so many people feel like they have to go out and live wild, uninhibited lives before they finally surrender themselves to God. Young people especially feel this way toward Christian living.

I want to debunk that myth today. We as Christians should be living a more joyful and fun-filled life than anyone out in the world! Christ told us in the tenth chapter of the book of John that He came so that we would have, "life, and life abundantly". That sure sounds like something we should be joyful over. Yet, unfortunately, we spend so much time harping over the struggles that we do not see the 'abundant life' that God has placed around us.

From now on, let's take the time to really experience life! There is an abundance of beauty and joy around each and every one of us, and the only way we are going to see it, is if we stop living such busy lives! Slow down long enough to seek God and live life the way Christ intended. If you make time for God in your life, you'll finally find your life and will live it to the fullest!

Until next week...

"A thief comes only to rob, kill, and destroy. I came so that everyone would have life, and have it in its fullest."
~John 10:10 (CEV)

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person’s strength."
~Proverbs 17:22 (NLT)

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Excitement In The Air

Congratulations on completing your 40 day journey through The Purpose Driven Life with Chosen Ministries!

This marks a great accomplishment for you and for our church. In the past 40 days, we have experienced deeper worship, more intimate fellowship, a devotion to discipleship, commitments to serve, and an excitement to share the good news. I am so very proud of all of you who took the time to embark upon this monumental occasion with us. Your hard work and dedication is sure to pay off.

If you didn't get the opportunity to make this 40 day campaign, please stay tuned for our next one entitled S.H.A.P.E., which explores the many things that God uses to shape you for your life mission.

In the next couple of months, Chosen will experience quite a few significant changes. In our attempt to remain as effective and relevant as possible, we have decided to redesign our ministry image. This makeover includes a new logo, website, t-shirts, commercials, and a new worship facility. Unfortunately, I can't give you all of the details right now, but keep you eyes and ears open. We have a lot in store for our ministry.

I'm also excited to say that we'll be appointing a new Deacon and Deaconess as well as our Associate Pastor. Our staff is also growing to include a new Membership and Ministry Director. Wow!!! For a ministry that is only a little over a year old, I must say, we have made some major strides.

With all of the changes and excitement in the air, I can't help but to take out the time to thank all of you for your prayers, support, and well wishes. Please continue to keep us lifted. There's still quite a bit to do! This is just the beginning of a great mission that Chosen has been called to fulfill. So we still need your prayers, love, and support.

If you would like to help us continue to make an impact in our community and the world, please consider planting a seed in this ministry. Your gift will help us in our mission to communicate Christ's compassion to those who need it most.

Until Next Week...
"We saw it, we heard it, and now we're telling you so you can experience it along with us, this experience of communion with the Father and his Son, Jesus Christ. Our motive for writing is simply this: We want you to enjoy this, too. Your joy will double our joy!"
~1 John 1:3-4 (MSG)