Wednesday, May 21, 2008


This Sunday, I have the privilege of taking our ministry to Six Flags Magic Mountain to celebrate all of the wonderful milestones mentioned in last week's email. I'm looking forward to this time that I get to share with my church family. Seldom, do we take enough opportunities to have fun with each other in the Body of Christ. That is why so many people feel like they have to go out and live wild, uninhibited lives before they finally surrender themselves to God. Young people especially feel this way toward Christian living.

I want to debunk that myth today. We as Christians should be living a more joyful and fun-filled life than anyone out in the world! Christ told us in the tenth chapter of the book of John that He came so that we would have, "life, and life abundantly". That sure sounds like something we should be joyful over. Yet, unfortunately, we spend so much time harping over the struggles that we do not see the 'abundant life' that God has placed around us.

From now on, let's take the time to really experience life! There is an abundance of beauty and joy around each and every one of us, and the only way we are going to see it, is if we stop living such busy lives! Slow down long enough to seek God and live life the way Christ intended. If you make time for God in your life, you'll finally find your life and will live it to the fullest!

Until next week...

"A thief comes only to rob, kill, and destroy. I came so that everyone would have life, and have it in its fullest."
~John 10:10 (CEV)

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person’s strength."
~Proverbs 17:22 (NLT)

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