Wednesday, February 13, 2008

What is Fellowship?

Being a part of the family of God means that you must share in fellowship with one another. After all, we are a body of believers and a body would not function properly if all of its parts were not working together. The disappointing realization is that we as Christians do not experience true fellowship often enough. Part of the problem is due to the fact that we do not know what fellowship really means. Despite popular opinion, fellowship is not merely meeting for Sunday morning worship, or sharing a meal in the Fellowship Hall. True fellowship is much, much more!

What do you think true fellowship means? I decided to find out by asking people out and about on the streets of Burbank. Take a look at their response...

What does it mean to you? Have you ever really experienced true fellowship? The bible says that the first church was 'one in heart and mind'. Do you feel that way about the church you belong to? Is it a place where you feel free to share all of your possessions, your thoughts, your feelings?

I'd like to hear from each of you. Please comment by posting your response to the questions above. We at Chosen Ministries are striving to be an Acts 4:32 church and we're on a quest to find other parts of the body to share in that experience. It's not until we realize that we cannot function as God intended us to function without being in true fellowship, only then we will finally experience the joy, peace, and stability this Christian life has to offer.
Speaking the truth in love, we will in all things grow up into him who is the Head, that is, Christ. From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.
~Ephesians 4:15-16


seligatafilisuro said...

Fellowship- "fellow" brothers and sisters should be accounted for on board our different "ships." Just as Jesus our Lord felowships with us through thick and thin.

Anonymous said...

My first thought was to go and look up the meaning of "fellowship" in order to have the RIGHT answer, but I know that's not what you're after. So, I thought about what fellowship means in my heart and this is my response. "Fellowship to me means sharing, caring, giving and living as a part of ONE BODY." When we do that and one part of the BODY is hurting or out of sync the ENTIRE BODY is effected. Therefore, IF we are living as one part of the whole, we can't ignore the fact that something is hurting another part of us! Oh, to live in this manner, how much our lives would change for the better!

Darryl said...

Fellowship is living in peace and harmony with fellow believers, as a band of brothers connected and intertwined to fulfill a Predestined and Purposed Driven Life.

April said...

Well, before becoming a member of the Chosen Family, fellowship had a somewhat different meaning for me. I associated fellowship with Church only. The congregation would get to together to praise and worship and receive a message from the sermon. Then maybe there would be dinner in the fellowhship hall afterwards. I still believe that fellowship are those things, but I also now believe that fellowship can take place anywhere, anytime, between anyone. It is coming together with others to love, laugh, cry, and support one other. I love fellowship! I do it everyday! Especially the eating part!!

Anonymous said...

Fellowship to me is being in the presence of God with other believers or Christians. Anything other than that is just a Get Together.

Anonymous said...

Fellowship to me, means loving, sharing, and giving of yourself to someone else, unselfishly. In my church home at Chosen Ministries, I do feel free to share all of who I am with my brothers & sisters in Christ. We are always learning about thinking outside of ourselves & finding what we can do to help someone else. A kind word or deed is fellowship. A hug, kiss on the cheek, a listening ear...those are all forms of fellowship, and that's what I experience everytime I walk through the doors of our ministry. I thank God for our ministry & for everyone in it. Let's get out & spread the word...spread the fellowship! Your weekly word is a blessing, Pastor!