Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Are You Wasting Life?

One of the most fundamental questions of life happens to be, "what is my purpose?" We often ask ourselves that question because we do not want to squander the most valuable asset we have...time. So we continuously analyze our daily 'doings' to realign ourselves with what we believe to be the best use of our time. Yet the question remains..."am I wasting my life?"

The answer can be found only by asking our Creator what He intended for our life to be when He created us. What does God want from your life and what does it take to fulfill it? The short answer to those questions are that He wants your whole life, and it takes discipline in order for you to give it to Him.

Christ is consistent when He asks you to follow Him, and it is impossible for you to call yourself a Christian and disciple if you have not begun to discipline your life to indeed follow Him. Many of us excuse ourselves from following Christ wholly by the statement, "let me first do____ (you fill in the blank)". This is the same thing that many of Christ's early disciples proclaimed (Luke 9:59, 61).

Let's stop making excuses when it comes to following Christ and truly offer our whole lives to Him as a living sacrifice. We can begin by participating in this study. Our group will start to read and discuss the book beginning next week. I pray that you will join us. You can log in to the group discussion by visiting Feel free to invite your friends and family. This is a journey you will not want to miss!

Until next week...

"please don't squander one bit of this marvelous life God has given us."
~ 1 Corinthians 6:1 (MSG)

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