Wednesday, April 23, 2008

It's About Time

My daughters are going through a campaign at school called "No TV Week". During this time, they are to find activities other than watching television in which to engage. They are also encouraged to have their parents participate as well. So, Shaun and I, being the terrific parents that we are, decided to oblige.

Tonight, we had a great time bonding with each other. We started by playing the board game "Sorry". It wasn't that great though (because I didn't win). Afterward, we ate dinner and enjoyed a terrific conversation which entailed plans for when the girls went off to college and eventually got married. It was a very entertaining evening. Once it was time for bed, my youngest daughter said, "We don't ever get to talk like this". Those words really hit home with me.

Are we just going through the motions in life? Do we just do things each day without really taking the time to enjoy the relationships we should be developing? How about our relationship with God? Is He thinking everyday, "We don't ever get to talk like this"?

Time is the most valuable asset we have because you only get a certain amount of it while you are here on this earth. And once it is spent, you will never get it back. Are you spending your most valuable asset on things that do not matter? Let's take the time to invest our time in things that are lasting and significant. Don't allow yourself to come to the end of your life and regret what you've spent your life on. Remember, it's the simple things like board games and conversations that truly make an impact in the lives of others.

Until next week...
"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven"
~Ecclesiastes 3:1 (NIV)
"So then, we must always aim at those things that bring peace and that help strengthen one another."
~Romans 14:19 (GN)

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