Wednesday, April 02, 2008

True Worship

I would like to first thank all of you who are participating in our online group discussions and our in-home small groups. I have received nothing but great feedback from everyone on how beneficial it has been to all involved. Let's keep up the fellowship.

This week, we have started on our first purpose, which is WORSHIP. If you're following along in The Purpose Driven Life book, you'll recall that worship is an act of surrendering to God. Unfortunately, too many of us are hesitant to really 'let go, and let God!' Although that is a pretty familiar cliche, it's difficult to put it into practice. We can start by being honest with ourselves about what we are keeping from Him.

Jesus had an encounter with a Samaritan woman in the bible who was unwilling to be truthful with Him about her living arrangements (we often forget that God already knows everything there is to know about us). So Jesus began to reveal her life and secrets to her, showing her that He indeed is the Son of God. This caused her to 'let go' of everything she was holding on to. She literally dropped what she was doing and began to tell everyone about her encounter with the Messiah!

What are you holding on to? God wants us to surrender everything to Him...that is True Worship! When we are willing to give Him our whole lives, He will transform us into world changers and our lives will have significance and meaning. Now that's living with Purpose! Why don't you take the time to have a true encounter with Christ. Drop what you're doing that's keeping you from spending time with Him. Stop allowing the things of this world to keep you away from the God of life! Open your heart to Him and start living your life on purpose. Like the Samaritan woman, your life will never be the same.

Until next week...
The time is coming when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, and that time is here already. You see, the Father too is actively seeking such people to worship him.
~John 4:23 (NCV)

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