Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Wake Up!

Prior to my moving to beautiful Burbank, California to start my ministry, I was working for a company in Dallas, Texas dreaming about how God was going to use me in a fantastic way. I recall one day sitting in my cubicle hearing God whisper the words "wake up!" in my spirit. Before I had the opportunity to question the meaning behind these words, I realized what God was telling me. At some point in our Christian journey we need to quit dreaming about what we are to accomplish and wake up to do the work of our calling.

Most of us are waiting for the conditions to be just right in order for us to begin to move on what God has created us to do. When we do that, our enemy will make sure that things are never going our way. What we need to realize is that our mission in life is generally going to be developed through the trials of our journey. In other words, it's not until we face the hardships of our lives that we realize the purpose of our life. We have to wake up from the dream state in order to live out our dream.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. epitomized this concept. He realized very early in his life that the only way change would come was if someone would face the danger it took to provoke change to happen. We now live in the wake of his dream, and may of us do not realize the potential we have inside of us to live in the wake of our own dreams. So my word to you today is the same as that which was uttered to me just a few years back...WAKE UP, because your dream is waiting.

"Do this because we live in an important time. It is now time for you to wake up from your sleep, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed."
~Romans 13:11 (NCV)