Wednesday, January 30, 2008

We Are Family

The biggest complaint I hear about church is that the people are hypocritical. Unfortunately, the reason many people feel that way is because they see someone one way on Sunday, and find out that they are a completely different person throughout the week. My question to you is, "wouldn't you like to come to church and just be you?"

Hopefully, your answer to that question is yes! But for too many people is isn't, mainly because they feel like they would be unfairly judged if they came to service 'just as they are'. The sad part about this whole situation is that church is supposed to be the place where we can be who God created us to be. And instead of donning a mask every week, we should feel comfortable enough to open ourselves up among those who are supposed to be our spiritual family.

Families are unique, because no matter how much your sister embarrasses you, or how goofy your dad acts, they are still your family. There is nothing you can do to get rid of them, nor do you want to. We need to realize that fact among our Christian brothers and sisters. We are family! We have to stop being embarrassed to come to each other for help, or too ashamed to seek wise counsel. All of us have fallen short of God's best in our lives, and we all have needed to be comforted by those who had been in the same position.

So the next time we are getting ready for service, let's leave the masks at home and come with a spirit of love and fellowship, not gossip and slander. Let's open up our arms and our hearts and receive each other with acceptance and humility...after all, We Are Family!

"From now on you are not strangers and people who are not citizens. You are citizens together with those who belong to God. You belong in God's family."
~Ephesians 2:19 (NLV)