Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Where Are You Going?

Do you ever find yourself lying in bed wondering what the next day might hold? Those are the times when I find myself questioning whether the time I spent checking things off of my to do list are really the things that are most important in my life. Many of us have embarked upon a journey to accomplish our dreams, and that is a fantastic road in which to travel. Yet my question to you is, "Where will you be, when you get where you're going?" Are you following the path that will lead you to the destination that God has for you, or will you end up at an unknown destination wondering where you made that wrong turn?

I'm not usually one to stop and ask for directions. Instead, I stumble through finding a new location by going in countless circles refusing to believe that I am lost. More times than not, I end up getting further and further off the path because I am too stubborn to turn around and ask for help. Even though my wife attempts to convince me to stop and seek wise counsel, I neglect taking her advice only to end up wasting valuable time, gas, and resources. This is how most of us live as Christians. We go through our lives wasting valuable time because we refuse to stop and seek God for His plan for our life.

Many of us do not want to believe that we are lost. Mainly because we have come a long way in life and have achieved quite a bit, and it's difficult to admit that we may be on the wrong path. But when you find yourself going in circles and deep down inside you know that there must be another way, you need to stop and ask for directions. I have learned that In order for us to find true fulfillment, we have to get on the path that God has created for us. Let's stop wasting our lives because we don't want to turn around.

So, where are you going? Hopefully it's where God is leading you to go.

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
~Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)