Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Stop Wandering

Have you ever felt like you were wandering through life? No purpose, no plans, and no prospects of where you are going or where you will end up? Well all of that is going to change. We here at Chosen Ministries are about to embark on the journey of our lives. In the next few weeks, we will begin 40 Days of Purpose, a study on the Purpose Driven Life by Pastor Rick Warren. This will help us to answer the question "What on earth am I here for?"

In the Bible, God told the children of Israel to send people to explore the promised land for 40 days and report on their findings. Was this land just as God had promised? The answer, of course, was yes! But the majority of those sent to check it out came back with a report of negativity and doubt instead of joy and anticipation. This caused a ripple effect throughout the community that resulted in them wandering for 40 years - one year for each day they explored.

Let's not allow that to be our fate! Let's stop wandering through life and begin to live life on purpose for God. Join us as we position ourselves to enter into the promise of the life that God has for each one of us by participating in the 40 Days of Purpose with Chosen Ministries. If you're interested, simply reply to this email and I'll explain how you can be a part of this awesome journey. Until then, I'd love to hear your comments on the question, "what is your life's purpose?"

"Because they have not followed me wholeheartedly, not one of the men twenty years old or more who came up out of Egypt will see the land I promised on oath to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob - not one except Caleb...and Joshua..., for they followed the LORD wholeheartedly."
~Numbers 32:11-12


Anonymous said...

I feel my life purpose is to empower others to be all that God created them to be!

Rod/Los Angeles

Anonymous said...

I believe that my purpose is to be a light in the lives of others. I want to give a smile, hug, or be a listening ear to people who need it & be able to show God's love right here on Earth!

Shaun/Burbank, CA

Darryl said...

I believe that quite simply our purpose in life is to serve God.

Anonymous said...

I now understand for the first time in my life that my purpose in life is to worship God with my heart, soul, and mind. In order to do I must love God with my whole heart. Then all things in life will make sense according to God's will.

Tammie said...

I believe that my purpose in life is to minister to others ushering in the presence of God through testimony, song & music.

Tammie/Dallas, TX

Anonymous said...

I believe that my life purpose is to let God's light shine through me while using my gifts and talents He has blessed me with to be a blessing to others. 2GBTG!!!

Anonymous said...

I feel that my purpose is to encourage others and show The love of God to others by my actions and by showing love.

Betty/Simi Valley Ca

Pastor AJ Golden said...

My purpose is to educate, empower, and inspire God's children to live life on purpose with a purpose.

Anonymous said...

I believe that our purpose on earth is to pick up were JESUS left off. We are to pick up pur cross and follow him. Love each other the way that he loved us. And if we can do that we can learn to forgive, we will be unselfish, we would understand the needs of others,and we wil be able to look past the hurt,and the fear of people and understand why we do hurtful things to each other and allow our selves to be hurt. and we will be able to do the GODS WILL because our hearts will be open.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, I still wandering aimlessly.